Biorhythmic Animation

Saffron Windsor

Saffron Windsor

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


Biorhythmic Animation

Saffron Windsor

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


Biorhythmic Animation

Saffron Windsor

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

All life moves in some way. Respiration, sensitivity, and growth are present in every living organism. In more obvious cases, such as a cheetah running, and less obvious cases, such as the growth of a tree, all life needs these processes to survive. Light from the Sun fuels life on Earth. It is warm, dependable, and safe. Together, movement and light have created all nature. I wanted to represent this phenomenon by creating a pulsing movement in my piece. When moved fast, the effect can resemble a heartbeat, or other bodily cycles. When moved slowly, you can see the growth and contraction. Whether the animation is fast or slow, the circle in the center is pulsating with light and life.

Biorhythmic Animation