In cities, artificial light is abundant— too much that people often take it for granted. But in underserved areas, the absence of reliable lighting creates anxiety and danger, turning a simple walk home into a daily risk. This disparity inspired us to design a lighting solution to whom need it most that provides both guidance and security while easing both vision and mind. Fire, unlike artificial light, is a natural source that offers non-harmful illumination but warmth, comfort, and a communal quality. Its presence reassures and gathers people together, making it more than just a source of light—it is a symbol of safety and human connection. We took lava's cracks and the cooling process of fire as a motive, representing resilience and transformation. The structured, glowing pathways will allow individuals to go back to home safely while evoking the elemental beauty of fire. This lighting solution includes fundamental human need for light, warmth, and belonging. Through this design, we tried to connect the necessity and emotional well-being, ensuring that everyone, regardless of where they live, can experience the comfort of a light that guides them home - a true sight for sore eyes.