This lamp is based on a building in the suburbs of Paris that is usually not a sight for sore eyes. Yet, at night, the windows light up, and neighboring buildings get a glimpse into the lives of its residents; who stays up late, when do they come home after dark, who likes brighter or more colorful lights… Random windows light up at different times of the day. There is beauty even in a building that takes up so much space, and not in a pleasant way. Standing tall and taking up space that no other buildings nearby seem to do in the same scale, this structure acts as a focal point of the neighborhood. This building demonstrates that what shines on the inside is what is most seen on the outside. That in itself is beautiful. Night time brings clarity, even if it is harder to see. Light symbolizes being awake at a dark time of day; a time that is usually spent alone, to rest or to think more. By having a shell of the building and lights of different colors and temperatures, the lamp being designed aims to show that even a visually displeasing structure can have beauty through its use of light.