Closing your eyes is an act of self preservation—it's the first thing you do when struck by a sudden harsh light. In our modern world, closing your eyes can sometimes be the only escape from the constant exposure to uncomfortable lighting. When your eyes are shut while facing a bright light source, the light appears dimmed and warmed by the tones of our skin. "The Back of Your Eyelids" aims to capture this immediate comfort. Crocheted panels of mohair knit yarn alter the tone of the light and dims its brightness—similar to the way our eyelids obscure the light we see. Each panel is removable, which is representative of how we can control how much we open our eyelids. Instead of a harsh, bright LED, the viewer sees a soft surface. The warm tones of the yarn fabric mimic the orange and red tones seen when eyes are shut. The wood frame borrows elements from Buddhist pagodas, which further encapsulate the peace and comfort felt when one can close their eyes—seeing nothing but the back of their eyelids.