The Magical Garden

Alondra Benicio

Alondra Benicio

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


The Magical Garden

Alondra Benicio

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


The Magical Garden

Alondra Benicio

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

The place where the sun and the moon come together. The eye sore being the sun. The inside of my project, the sun, I want to show the vulnerability of the beauty of nature, and the outside, the moon, is the protection, the mask of nature. The top of my lighting project represents the head of the serpent god, Quetzalcoatl, a red and green, feathered serpent. Nature is an important thing for the Aztecs. They believed that the serpent god would always protect nature. For this, I am representing my heritage, Mexico, the state of Guerrero, a place where the Aztec Empire once stood.

The Magical Garden