Mrinalini Kalla

Mrinalini Kalla

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design



Mrinalini Kalla

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design



Mrinalini Kalla

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

Based on the pressing need for the lighting industry to transition to a circular economy, I conducted a 3-dimensional study on how to repurpose and make a combination of two unlikely materials. This installation includes a Design for disassembly that presents a potential opportunity to support the circular economy. Most people are unaware of what happens when a lighting system approaches its End-of-life. With the help of this installation, I hope to remind the viewers of the significance of using sustainable materials. The primary component of this investigation was oyster shells. After being collected, oysters are consumed, and then their shells are recycled and cured for at least a year on land. An oyster shell's life cycle completes when recycled shells are reinserted into harbor waters to rebuild reefs. The form for the installation derives from the pattern created by the spiraling out of the Fibonacci Sequence that can also be seen in the spiral of a shell.