Lux et Veritas (Light & Truth)

Anna Zhou

Anna Zhou

Parsons The New School for Design

Jean Chen

Jean Chen

Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design


Lux et Veritas (Light & Truth)

Anna Zhou

Parsons The New School for Design

Jean Chen

Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design


Lux et Veritas (Light & Truth)

Anna Zhou

Parsons The New School for Design

Jean Chen

Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design

"Lux et Veritas" (Light and Truth) weaves an evocative narrative around the essence of proximity in interpersonal connection through the realm of lighting. With a perceptive eye that “truly sees,” using the technique of a polarizer, the artwork suggests that without a sincere, eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart interaction, one is merely confronted with the shadows of misconceptions and partial truths of the other. It is by coming close and looking through the perceptive eye, the luminous, enchanting core of the person can be revealed, under the seemingly dull first glance. The bridge of perception, facilitated by illumination, leads to deep connection. Then, through tilting, dynamic brilliance that renders the complexity of the person become appreciable. This conceptual art piece delves into the essence of human connection, positing that true understanding and empathy between individuals can only be achieved through genuine, direct engagement.

Lux et Veritas (Light & Truth)