Huien Yin

Huien Yin

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design



Huien Yin

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design



Huien Yin

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

New York School of Interior Design

Using vintage color photography slides to design a luminaire, considering that nowadays, much visual information comes from various social media platforms. People find themselves stuck inside architecture and buildings without the same level of connection as they used to have. The vintage slide, once a prominent feature, has faded into obscurity as people now rely on phones and social media to document their lives. Reusing vintage slides is not only sustainable but also brings in interesting moment, as it allows us to illustrate the psychology behind why we observe others' lives—the innate human curiosity to understand the diversity of human life. The S-life illustrates the idea of looking inside out from the window of buildings or vice versa. To truly appreciate the S-life, one needs to look closer.