The Other Side

Yi Liu

Yi Liu

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


The Other Side

Yi Liu

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


The Other Side

Yi Liu

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

"The Other Side" is an interactive project. Light illuminates the exterior of the dodecahedron, reflecting a dazzling display of lights with varying clarity and hues. As you immerse your head into the interior of the dodecahedron, your eyes are surrounded by darkness, a realm untouched by the external light—a metaphor for our concealed vulnerability and solitude. Yet, it is also a space exclusively our own. When others approach, their voices and touches become remarkably clear, and touches in the darkness cause lights to shimmer, resembling stars in the night sky. Gazing at this projection, it seems as if we catch a glimpse of a microcosm reflecting contemporary society — a time where, amid the waves of globalization and the internet, we proudly consider ourselves more liberated and independent individuals. Simultaneously, we realize that the world is undergoing what Zygmunt Bauman describes as a liquid society, where the order and ethics of industrial society are dissolving, plunging us into an era of uncertainty and weakened attachments.

The Other Side