Tranquil Respiration

Ella Overton

Ella Overton

Pratt Institute

Samara Budhrani

Samara Budhrani

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


Tranquil Respiration

Ella Overton

Pratt Institute

Samara Budhrani

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute


Tranquil Respiration

Ella Overton

Pratt Institute

Samara Budhrani

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

Pratt Institute

The comfort we find in those around us is the root of closeness. When we are with someone that we are comfortable with, we feel we can relax, release tension, and breathe. We wanted to capture the feeling of letting out a deep breath that we often personify when we are surrounded by those we love and feel close to. The light activates the mist, giving the illusion of its disappearance and reappearance, mirroring a breath. Our breathing patterns are often a reflection of our feelings- anxiety, excitement, fear, comfort, and closeness for example. The piece aims to not only mimic breathing but guide a slow breath as well when viewing it, allowing one to be in tune with those accompanying them in viewing it. The piece is an experience that plays with not only the visual sense but diffuses a pleasant aroma as well. This is in line with the act of breathing.

Tranquil Respiration